Age Calculator
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Age Calculator
Use this age calculator to find how old you are based on your birthday and a reference date. Along with chronological age calculations, it displays some interesting facts about your age.
Let’s find out how you can use the calculator!
- Input your birthdate in a format supported by the tool (i.e.; DD/MM/YYYY)
- Click Calculate & get your age in years, months, weeks, days, hours, minutes, and seconds
Also, there are some features offered by our calculator for age comparisons:
- Simple UI
- Retirement age calculations
- Upcoming birthday
- Age comparisons
- Various life-related facts
How Age Can Be Calculated?
The calculations for age vary among different age systems. For example, if a person is 20 years old according to the international aging system, he might be 1 or 2 years older when compared to Chinese or Korean culture.
According to the international age system, the age can be calculated in two ways. When calculating age in years, you need to consider each year equal (365 days). For example, if you are 15 years old, you will not say that you are 10 regular + 5 leap years old.
But when it comes to age in days, you need to consider the number of months having 30, 31, 28, or 29 days. Our age calculator follows the same algorithm that automatically considers the varying lengths of regular (365 days) and leap years (366 days) to calculate age in days.
For example, if you were born on January 05, 2000, and today is May 01, 2024, the calculator will determine accurate days between these dates by considering the following formula:
Age in days = Number of years with 365 days + Number of years with 366 days + Days remaining in the current year